Here you will find pictures, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and tongue twisters for correctly producing "f" and practicing the "f" sound at the various levels. Word lists, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs are taken from Home Speech Home.
The "f" sound is a very visual sound so utilizing a mirror where the child can see themselves and see you produce the sound correctly is really important. If they cannot see themselves many children will produce a "w" without their voice where they are essentially blowing air out of a smaller opening in their lips. I often use the prompt, "Bite your lower lip" because then they can feel where their lip and teeth should be. It might get a bit "spitty" initially, but children typically gradually start cleaning it up as they get better at the "f" sound (because kids don't like spit on their lips and chin, it's not comfortable).
"F" Picture Words Initial "f"
"F" Word Lists Initial "f"
"F" Phrases Initial "f"
"F" Sentences Initial "f"
"F" Tongue Twisters For fine fresh fish phone Phil The fickle finger of fate flips fat frogs flat Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fish Can a flying fish flee far from a free fish fry? Five fat French fleas freeze