Here you will find words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and tongue twisters for the "m" sound. Many of the lists are taken from the Home Speech Home site. The "m" sound is very visual and so it is helpful to learn and practice the sound with a mirror in front of both you and the child so the child can look at you and then look at themselves. Per usual, here is a video to help with correctly producing this sound.
"M" Picture Words Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"
"M" Phrases Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"
"M" Word Lists Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"
"M" Sentences Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"
"M" Tongue Twisters Mummies munch much mush. Monsters munch much mush. Many mummies and monsters must munch much mush. I miss my Swiss miss and my Swiss miss misses me. A missing mixture measure. Much mashed mushrooms.