Here you will find words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and tongue twisters for the "n" sound. This sound, like others that occur toward the front of the mouth, is visual and the use of a mirror can be very helpful. Much of the practice material is from Home Speech Home.
"N" Picture Words Initial "n" Medial "n" Final "n"
"N" Phrases Initial "n" Medial "n" Final "n"
"N" Word Lists Initial "n" Medial "n" Final "n"
"N" Sentences Initial "n" Medial "n" Final "n"
"N" Tongue Twisters Ninety-nine knitted knick-knacks were nicked Nine nimble noblemen nibbled nuts. Nippy Noodle nipped his neighbor’s nutmegs. Nine nice night nymphs. “Nighty-night, knight,” said one knight to the other knight the other night. “Nighty-night, knight,” answered the other knight the other night.