These articles are for parents and how they can modify their own speech and the home environment to improve the fluency of their child. I will continue to add more to this page as new articles arise.
Tips for Parents with Preschoolers who Stutter This article is similar to the next one and provides strategies to improve the child's fluency without correcting their speech. Here is a brief recap: 1. Increase the length of pauses in between speaking turns 2. Reduce your own rate of speech 3. Reduce the number of questions you ask back-to-back 4. Follow the child's lead in play 5. Decrease length and complexity of language
7 Tips for Talking with Your Child This article is for parents and how they can talk with their children to encourage fluency without "correcting" the child's speech. Here is a quick overview of the strategies if you don't want to click on the link: 1. Slow your own speech down 2. Full listening (attend to your child when they speak!) 3. Ask questions (it shows you're listening to the message and not the stutter) 4. Take turns talking and listening (don't talk over one another) 5. Build confidence in your child's speech 6. Have special communication times each day 7. Have normal rules
Recommended Websites on Fluency & Stuttering The Stuttering Foundation American Speech and Hearing Association Stuttering Therapy Resources